Like many of the early artists who came to Brown County, Timothy Greatbatch changed careers in mid-life. A number of the early colony artists used their artistic skills in commercial ventures in large cities, but chose to come to Brown County to work as fine artists. Tim Greatbatch made an even more dramatic change. By the age of forty, he was a highly recognized composer of contemporary orchestral and chamber music. He was well established in Philadelphia as an adjunct professor of music at the University of Pennsylvania and served as a guest lecturer at Swarthmore College and Princeton. But in the early 1990s he decided to become a painter.
Timothy was born in Indianapolis in 1953. He was gifted as a child in both music and art and for the first half of his life, followed a musical career. Still feeling the pull of the visual arts, he eventually began painting, choosing a surreal style with some of his work serving as covers for his musical CD's.
As a self-taught artist, Tim spent hours in museums where he found himself drawn to the work of the impressionists, the style he prefers today. His skills soon got him work painting murals and other decorative projects. He also caught the eye of several Pennsylvania gallery owners and began exhibiting and selling. While in Pennsylvania, his work was exhibited at the Port of History Museum and the Owen Joseph Gallery of Philadelphia, as well as Third Street Gallery in Carnegie and Jaro's Interiors of Pittsburgh. After investigating various art centers in the west and east, Tim came home to Indiana and re-discovered Brown County.
"My parents would often bring the family to the state park and village of Nashville as a weekend getaway in the late 50's and early 60's. My wife Lisa and I decided to relocate in 2000. We love its simple charm and zero-stress lifestyle. It also offers endless subject matter for my landscapes and access to major markets...the same reasons many of the early artists chose Brown County."
Once Tim and Lisa settled in the area, Tim began concentrating on landscapes. He likes to hike the hills with a camera and a sketchpad but prefers to do the actual painting in his studio, working in acrylics. Works prior to 2006 are usually signed with a stylized "TG"; from 2006 onward they are signed "TAGreatbatch" and dated.
Tim is very concerned with the health of our planet. Whenever possible, he has tried to tie his work and support to organizations such as the Nature Conservancy and the Central Indiana Land Trust, Inc. His work is also very aligned with Indiana Heritage Arts - a Nashville based organization that promotes the 100 plus years of impressionistic painting in the State.
Success in Indiana came soon after his arrival. He was commissioned to do a large 4 by 8 foot painting for the Columbus City Hall in 2001. Through the IHA's prestigious annual competition, Tim has received numerous Purchase Awards, 4 Merit Awards, 3 Awards of Excellence, The Dale Bessire Memorial Award, The Carl Graf Memorial Award, The Adolph Schultz Memorial Award and the 2003 People's Choice Award. In 2006, the IHA's Board of Directors selected his "Afternoon at Ogle Lake" to be the first work for its permanent collection.
 "Afternoon at Ogle Lake"
Part of the IHA Permanant Collection
In addition to a growing list of accolades, his works sell. They can be found in private and corporate collections across the country. It is wonderful to have Tim recording the natural beauty of our region through his paintings - and in turn, continue the legacy of Brown County, the Midwest's most important art colony.
-Lyn Letsinger-Miller
author, "The Artists of Brown County"